Constellations of Compassion 3 – For Children

This is the third of a series of three articles co-created by the CompassionLab and Soaringwords for children and adults grappling with serious illness. This is dedicated especially to children.  Hope and Light For centuries, people have found hope as they gazed at the night sky and were able to recognize clusters of stars known as constellations. In ancient times, people actually relied on...
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Routines Matter for Compassion at Work

As organizational researchers, we have a unique interest in understanding how compassion can be unleashed or stifled in human communities. An organizational lens attunes us to the important role played by routines and practices  in  “grooving” the ways we interact with one another. By routines we mean the recurring, repeated patterns of action that typify a particular organization or unit...
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Future of Compassion in Business – Video

In this video discussing the future of care and compassion in business, Dr. Jane Dutton discusses this as a particularly generative time for thinking about compassion in business, with new possibilities and organizations emerging to generate scientific and social advances in the study and practice of compassion. New scientific interest, including a Center for Compassion and Altruism Research at...
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One highlight from Wisdom 2.0

Wisdom 2.0 is the name given to a gathering this weekend of people interested in the intersection of new technologies and old wisdom traditions. Many speakers highlighted aspects of mindfulness and emphasized the importance of compassion as one of the taproots of humanity. One highlight of the conference for those of us interested in the expression of compassion at work was an onstage interview...
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Human Relations Free Access Article of the Month

A special offer from the journal Human Relations makes free public access available for the CompassionLab’s paper: Understanding Compassion Capability. Free access is available to the public through Human Relations until March 10, 2013. Human Relations is an international peer reviewed journal, which publishes the highest quality original research to advance our understanding of social...
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Feeding the wolf of compassion

    Our late colleague Peter Frost used this proverb as a reminder that we all suffer and that we all have the capacity to meet suffering with compassion. We offer it in memory of Peter, and as an invitation to feed the wolf of compassion in your life. A Cherokee proverb (from He said to them, “A fight is going on inside me … it is a terrible fight...
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