Constellations of Compassion 3 – For Children

This is the third of a series of three articles co-created by the CompassionLab and Soaringwords for children and adults grappling with serious illness. This is dedicated especially to children.  Hope and Light For centuries, people have found hope as they gazed at the night sky and were able to recognize clusters of stars known as constellations. In ancient times, people actually relied on...
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Constellations of Compassion 2 – Finding Meaning

This is the second of a series of three articles co-created by the CompassionLab and Soaringwords for children and adults grappling with serious illness. Looking for meaning When you gaze into the night sky, you can take strength discovering that the possibility of giving and receiving compassion is as boundless as the stars. People grappling with serious illness tend to be downtrodden. If you...
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Constellations of Compassion 1 – Healing

This is the first of a series of three articles co-created by the CompassionLab and Soaringwords for children and adults grappling with serious illness. An opportunity for healing  The darker the night, the brighter the stars. For centuries, people have taken comfort and joy as they gazed at the night sky and were able to recognize clusters of stars known as constellations.  Prior to the...
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